Application form
I am applying to participate in*
It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure they have the proper visa and documents to travel to France.
Note and Consent
Notice and Consent * We look forward to receiving your application and will get back to you with a decision shortly. There will also be alternate participants selected in case any of the chosen participants are unable to attend. Upon selection, it is the participant’s responsibility to begin working with the YLC board regarding visas, flights, and any other requirements. If the participant cannot attend for any reason, their place will be released to the next participant on the waiting list. If you cannot confirm your participation and visa eligibility by June 10th, we will release your spot and any associated financial aid offered to alternate participants. While we aim to encourage a lifetime of interfaith dialogue, our age limit (18-35) is strictly set according to guidelines and we must limit our participants accordingly. Please note that the YLC will assist with documentation confirming attendance at our conference for visa applications. It is, however, the responsibility of the participant to determine visa requirements and applications to ensure that they have the proper permissions and travel documentation to travel both to and within France. YLC cannot be held financially or otherwise responsible for any denial of visa applications. While we understand that religion has vast-reaching effects, especially in tense political situations, we believe the primary aim of this conference is interfaith dialogue rather than political affairs. We understand how interconnected politics can be to religious faith, but we ask all potential participants to agree in advance to refrain from using this conference as a means to political ends. By checking the box below, you are presenting an electronic signature indicating that you have entered the information on this form truthfully, to the best of your knowledge, and that you agree to abide by the decision of the board.
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